Too late for a resolution?
I'm never sure when to stop saying, "Happy New Year!" I know it's probably too late now as January is almost over, but around the 10th of January seems to be the cut off for the greeting. Or at the very least, you have to acknowledge that your're late.
It's too late for making a New Year's resolution too. By now, a lot of the resolutions we made have probably been put to one side or forgotten. I've been pondering the whole concept of 'starting over' for a few weeks now. The New Year is a great time for it, but if that blank page, clean sheets feeling is gone already, do we have to wait until next January for another chance to 'start again'?
I don't believe we have to wait. Every day is a new day. God offers new mercies every morning. Not second hand ones, or left overs; fresh brand spanking new mercies.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
If you notice the name of the book of the Bible those verses comes from, you'll might work out that this book is not a barrel of laughs. defines a lament as, 'a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.' Yet in the middle of it all, the writer finds hope and reminds himself that whatever is going on, God's love is always with us. Maybe your year is already up the spout. Don't worry. Tomorrow is a new day, and if you rely on God's mercy, there'll be a fresh batch of it ready for you the moment you wake up.
Here at Upper Trosnant Baptist Church, we love to help people find out more about God and his mercy. Have a look around the website to check out who we are and what we're about. Or you can connect with us on Facebook or Twitter. We're even on Instagram (although we're not all sure what that means yet :D )
God bless, Annmarie x