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Leadership Team UTBC 2023_edited.jpg

The Leadership Team is made up of Pastor, our Elder and Deacons.
The Deacons care for Upper Trosnant’s administration. They meet together once a month to pray for the Church, followed by the business meeting where they discuss and organise events and services, finance, building maintenance, health and safety, and pastoral matters.

Keith Says: I was born in the East End of London, but have lived in Pontypool since 1992. My wife Barbara and I first came to Upper Trosnant because we wanted to get married in Church. We were baptised and became member of Upper Trosnant in August 2009, and I was elected a Deacon and Church Treasurer in September 2011.  

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Keith Fordham

At the Annual General Meeting  we discuss and decide which local, national and international charities we will support. Our Church could not exist without the generous and faithful donations of those who worship here Sunday by Sunday, and it is my role to see that the money is spent wisely and effectively in fulfilling our mission of Proclaiming Christ in Pontypool. Keeping our buildings clean, safe and warm makes an important contribution to our Fellowship, and financial planning is needed to ensure that funds are available for on-going building work. The church also pays for the free refreshments that are enjoyed by the congregation after each service, and for our regular fellowship meals. One of the best parts of my job is giving away ten per cent of the church’s total offering each year! God instructed his people to tithe their money, and the church follows this by deciding

Lorraine Breese

Lorraine says: I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. I've been married to Dave since 1984. I come from a large family of nine children. Sunday school was where I first learnt about God. I was particularly ‘taken’ as a young child with the miracles that Jesus performed and imagined myself being right there and feeling the awe and excitement of the miracles He performed.

He sought me out much later in life though, at the age of 27 while married to Dave. I soon found out that living with God in my life brought positive real-life changes in all aspects of life. Having come through difficult teenage to young adult years with many challenges – I never knew then, that life could be so exhilarating and that walking in a relationship with God could be so personal, so close. Living in England since 2005 has also shown me that God’s family is one family – worldwide – needless to say my ‘family’ has grown some over these past years.

Upper Trosnant is a wonderful family to be part of, and I’m excited to see what God is going to do in this small part of His bigger church. It is God's grace that has changed my life and it is a joy to be part of His church here in Pontypool. Serving as a deacon is a huge privilege for me; and it’s great to be part of a wonderful leadership team who are eager to seek God and His will for the church and the local community. 

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